Security Window Film

SECURITY WINDOW FILM Broken Glass with window security film by Arizona Tint

Security film acts as a barrier for your home or business to help keep you, your family, and your assets safe.

How It Works

Glass is fragile and can be easily shattered with a hard object and the right amount of force. Security window film is a thin, flexible layer that is sealed to your window that holds the glass together even after it shatters.

The Benefits of Security Window Film

Added protection from potential intruders

There are thousands of burglaries every year in the state of Utah alone. Glass is often an easy point of entry for burglars to enter a home or business...but it doesn't have to be. Security film makes your home or business more difficult for burglars to enter by keeping glass together, even after it is shattered.

Security film also makes windows more difficult to penetrate, causing burglars to make multiple attempts at breaking a window. This causes many criminals to give up out of either frustration or fear of being caught. If a burglar notices that a window has security film beforehand, they will often not even try and move on to an easier target.

Prevents harm from shattered glass

Windows aren't always broken by potential intruders. Sometimes they are broken by accidents, natural disasters, or sometimes kids playing baseball. In any of these cases, the aftermath of shattered glass can pose a serious threat to anyone near the window when it breaks, or anyone walking near the shattered glass after it breaks. Because security window film helps to keep glass together, it significantly reduces the risk of harm from broken glass.

Saves energy and protects against UV rays

Windows are one of the easiest ways for a building to lose heat. This can cause a higher utility bill year round. By adding security film to your windows, you are adding a second layer that helps keep your building warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer, which can help to save you money on utilities. This added layer also acts as protection from harmful UV radiation which can damage and fade expensive furniture and displays.

Easy To Install on New or Existing Windows

Security film is not only created to take a beating without breaking, it is also created to go on easily and quickly. So whether you are planning to put security film on new windows or you're considering upgrading your windows to provide better security, all you need is security film installed by our expert technicians.

Call us today and let us help you protect your home or business with window security film. Call (435) 752-2250